Kessels Website for products
Kessels has been a dominant force and gained a leading position in the market of manufacturing and supplying industry specific, tailor made Steam Turbines to suit the customers needs, since the time it came into existence in 1987. The group has seen unprecedented success over the years in the field of Designing, Manufacturing and installing Steam Turbines in various industries vie; Sugar, Steel, Paper, Chemical and Nuclear; up to a single installed capacity of 30000KW. Our persistence on using State of the art technology in Manufacturing and Design of our Steam Turbines helps create value while providing a complete energy solution to the customer.
The use of Advanced assembly lines and employing highly trained and motivated personnel safeguard the interest of our clients for Quality, Performance and Delivery assurances; and have been successful to date in meeting these standards to over 500 customers with a combined installed capacity of over 1500MW over India and many other countries around the Globe namely; Fiji, Vietnam, Pakistan, Nepal, Argertina, Korea, Trinidad & Tobago, Oman, Uganda, Bangladesh, Peru, U.A.E, Kenya and many more.
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natu error sit voluptatem accusan tium dolore laud antium, totam rem dolor sit amet tristique pulvinar, turpis arcu rutrum nunc, ac laoreet turpis augue a justo.
- Jane Doe
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